
Tuesday, April 9, 2013


Salted caramel is one of my most favorite things at Starbucks, so this weekend I decided to make it in to a cupcake. Possibly the best decision ever, they were perfect! I made a simple chocolate cupcake, then for the frosting made a fluffy white frosting and added actual toffee nut syrup from Starbucks. To top it off I sprinkled a mixture of sea salt and sugar, then melted Werther's caramels to drizzle on top. So flavorful!

Fluffy White Frosting
2 large egg whites
1/2 cup sugar
1/4 cup light corn syrup
2 tablespoons water
1 teaspoon toffee nut syrup (or any flavor you like)

1. Let egg whites stand at room temperature 30 minutes. In medium bowl, beat egg whites with electric mixer on high speed until stiff peaks form.

2. In 1-quart saucepan, stir sugar, corn syrup and water until well mixed. Cover; heat to rolling boil over medium heat. Uncover; boil 4 to 8 minutes, without stirring, to 242˚F on candy thermometer or until small amount of mixture dropped into cup of very cold water forms a firm ball that holds its shape until pressed. For an accurate temperature reading, tilt saucepan slightly so mixture is deep enough for thermometer.

3. While beating constantly on medium speed, pour hot syrup very slowly in thin stream into egg whites. Add toffee nut syrup; beat on high about 10 minutes or until stiff peaks form.

>>adapted from Betty Crocker's Big Book of Cupcakes

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